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Let's Thrive

I was adopted at 5 weeks old and told so young I don't ever remember not knowing.


All went well until I found out that my teddy bear was a gift from my birth mother when I was 40.


That unleashed an eruption of anger, feeling rejected and unloved.












That led to a quest to heal, healing and a desire to help others. 


15 years later I work with others who want to support adoptees through my podcast, consulting,  webinars and any other way I can.

Would you like to discuss doing more to support adoptees?

Call, email or schedule a Zoom call by clicking at the top of the page.


Click on the pics below for links to some upcoming events:



















Below are some of the webinars and courses I run for clients:

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From Wounded To Whole

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We know adoption isn’t rainbows and unicorns. Reading and believing The Primal Wound was a huge relief. It explained everything. Especially the overwhelming loss, anger, and insecurity. Particularly how I saw myself. I was flawed, damaged goods. So I set about figuring out how to change that.


So how do we become whole? How do we develop that secure sense of self and get comfortable in our own skins? To get through the contact sport that is life being triggered less? That’s what I’ll share.

Trauma Informed, Healing Obsessed


 Boston University's 2018 research in 24 countries showed that more than 70% of respondents experienced a traumatic event, and 30.5% had experienced four or more.


Of course Covid-19 has challenged us all since then. An Imperial College London and University of Southampton study showed more than 40% of people suffer trauma following Covid-19.


Trauma affects our brains, functioning and outcomes but in-built neuroplasticity and post-traumatic provides the hope for a better future. 


This webinar - tailored for your audience's level - dives into all this as a highly accessible starting point and catalyst for change.

Here's what one partner said after a webinar

“That was an excellent webinar, grounded for sure, generously personal, and with some great advice for our members. You have a brilliant way of being in the world and strive to share with others resources to help them navigate some of the most difficult areas of life. Thank you, you are very much appreciated.”

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